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Food games for Autistic Children | Autism meal plan


autism meal plan

Do you have a child on the autistic spectrum, who may struggle to eat certain foods and only like bland colour foods? My food games like the 'super foodies' is a great food chart that can help you with an autism meal plan. My games might be able to help autistic children and adults to improve their diet.

Help your autistic child eat healthier with these colourful food games...

Fruit and vegetable top trumps is great for autistic children as it contains lots of interesting food information and data which can be memorised. They are also very visual for your child to really engage with. Also check out my food chart game could give children on the spectrum a routine to eating healthier foods by tallying up the healthy foods they're eating.

autistic food chart

Here are two testimonials from people that have seen a positive benefit from both games in helping their autistic sons:

Testimonial 1 - Autistic Food chart

"Hello Dan, I have just received your letter and would like to express my enthusiasm. The design and also the printing are of the highest quality - so freshly cheerful that it immediately aroused interest in my boy.
This is a wonderful novelty as my child is autistic. Many autistic children have massive eating problems/ are malnourished because consistency, smell, look...heck, countless things make them nauseated before they are even able to try it. Finding a happy motivating way for your child is truly worth its weight in gold!"

Testimonial 1 - Fruit & Vegetable Top Trumps

"My youngest son, aged 8, is on the Autism Spectrum. One of his issues involves food and he eats only food which is beige in colour, bland in taste and mostly crunchy in texture. I purchased the plant based top trumps cards as he loves Top Trumps and numbers.
He loved the cards and immediately it started conversations about food and the nutritional information on the cards.
This has been a big first step towards him becoming interested in trying new foods and understanding that foods contain nutrients and things that are good for us."

So if your child with autism is struggling to eat healthy food, click the games below to go to my store. I would also love to hear your feedback on how these worked for you...

Autistic Food Games

healthy food top trumps

Plant Based Top Trumps

If you’re looking for an autistic food game for your child or someone else, these fruit and vegetable top trumps are great.

With 54 cute illustrated food characters, health benefits and nutritional information their sure to have fun here and learn about foods at the same time.

Let's see the food game

fussy eating food chart

Autism meal chart

Super Foodies is a helpful game for autistic children, fussy eaters or anyone wanting to try new foods and track positive progress. It can take up to 10 times eating food until you or your autistic child will like it! This game helps to make eating fun and easier for children who are on the autism spectrum.

Check out the autism food chart

Other gift ideas?

I hope my autism meal plan / chart and healthy eating top trumps game can really help your child or any autistic children you know.

All of my gifts and games are made using environmentally friendly card and I post using plastic free packaging. See my full selection of other food education gift ideas here... see my store.



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