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The Labyrinth Card & Art Print


the labyrinth card

The Labyrinth Card

Check out my cute the labyrinth greeting card above. After watching The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance it inspired me to illustrate a card and Art print based on the netflix series.

This then lead me to think of my favourite film as child, 'The labyrinth' featuring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly. I would love it if the same team made the labyrinth into a netflix series.

After finishing The Dark Crystal art print I just had to get started on illustrating The Labyrinth greeting card and art print showcasing all my favourite characters.

Who was your favourite character from The Labyrinth? I loved the Fire Gang and their headless dancing scene, with the song which always sticks in my memory.

The Labyrinth card is on now available on my pop culture movie cards page, with free delivery. Perfect as a birthday card or greeting card for the perfect labyrinth fan. Get the card now!

Also available to buy as the labyrinth art print below...

labyrinth print

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